You have the goals and the dreams, we have the tools

The starting point for the Personal Leadership programme:

If you can lead yourself, you can also lead others.

In order to be a good leader, you therefore need to focus on and develop a number of leadership skills which will be very useful to you in your leadership:


Goal focus

  • Set clear, attractive and meaningful goals, both short-term and long-term.
  • Focus on the present and the future, rather than the past.
  • Find the motivation for what you want to achieve.

Habits and attitudes

  • Identify your habitual thoughts and actions – they govern your life more than you think.
  • Replace a bad habit or thought pattern with one that works better for you.

Time management

  • Create focus by planning and prioritising – this is essential for a more efficient use of your time.
  • Distinguish between what is important and what is urgent.
  • The art of saying no – and of finding an appropriate level of what is ‘good enough’.

Personal leadership qualities chosen by you (a few examples)

  • Delegate – a way to make your co-workers grow and take more responsibility.
  • Make decisions – what is the best decision you can make right now?
  • Give and receive feedback.


The training period is six to eight months and the meetings normally take place in your workplace. You meet with your leadership consultant every three weeks. This gives you the opportunity to use your new-found insights in your everyday work, which almost guarantees that the improvements you make will last.

The material included: 12 inspiring chapters to listen to (audio book) and read (a binder or online), exercises, self-assessments, etc.

Powerful and clear eureka moments

Thinking in new and bigger ways has been a journey, where so many pieces of the puzzle fell into place. Things I have felt for a long time became clearer, which helped me a lot in my work. The insights are piled high: the fact that I own and am responsible for my emotions, that I have access to all of my gathered experience and competence, that I can trust my emotions to work well alongside the logical thinking, how my self-image can grow and develop. The eureka moments were very powerful during this process and it was liberating to see and be able to discuss this. The difference for me was huge and I highly recommend The New Leadership!”


­Ola Drehmer, Vice President at Västmanland’s Sparbank

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